Citizens activation in the field of participatory budgeting
The Budget Game helps to understand that decisions on public issues stem from the needs of different groups of citizens and that finding the best solution is time-consuming and requires flexibility.

Rural regeneration with policy simulation
Ruritania Game allows participants to take a closer look at the tradeoffs and synergies between various strategies for rural regeneration, all fostered by cultural and natural heritage.

Public Infrastructure Participatory Engagement Simulation
P.I.P.E.S was designed to recreate the essential features of real-life situations, highlighting decision-making challenges and their consequences.

Vienna Transport Policy Simulation
The policy simulation workshop engages the participants in discussion about different visions for addressing the issues of decreasing emissions and public space management in Vienna.

A shared vision for the Management of the Drin River Basin
The Nexus Game is a laboratory for practicing strategy, collaboration and leadership in a complex environment such as an international river basin.

A boost for rural lignite regions
Participatory tools that can be used to explore stakeholders’ perceptions and visions of possible future developments transformation areas in Europe and worldwide.

Flood disaster risk management in Indonesia and Peru
The Flood Resilience Game is set in an area exposed to seasonal floods. The direct interactions between players create a rich experience that can be discussed, analyzed, and lead to concrete conclusions and actions.

Recreating the communication and cultural barriers present in Lorca area
The goal of the activity was to show the complexity connected with sharing of resources between organizations involved in flood protection, disseminating information and engaging various groups of citizens in appropriate preparedness actions.